Monday, March 4, 2019

Xmodmap Apple Keyboard

I have an apple aluminium keyboard. to the left of 1 key i have the less/greater ( < > ) key, not grave/tilde ( ` ~ ). xmodmap does not work for me: layout switching (done with setxkbmap ) resets my xmodmap changes. .. Apple wireless keyboard on linux. from organic design. jump to: navigation, search. the new apple wireless keyboards are a really nice looking and robust design, but unfortunately, many people are having trouble using them under linux. and use xmodmap -pke to list current key assignments.. Thank you bob. xmodmap is an option to avoid this problem. but when i use the builtin japanese keyboard of the remote machine which is located at an adjecent building to my office, i do want to use the original japanese layout..

Idiotic Lenovo thinkpad design by putting back/forward ...

Idiotic lenovo thinkpad design by putting back/forward

How do i switch the command key and control key on a macbook pro? ubuntu thinks that the macbook pro has a standard 105 key keyboard (probably thinking about the full apple keyboard) but that is wrong. anyway, i reassigned the here's the way i finally got this to work. xmodmap doesn't work universally in all apps, gnome tweak tool. I have an apple keyboard with a cmd key which i'm trying to swap with the control key. from googleing the problem and searching across the forum i came with a several solutions.. I'm using an aluminum apple keyboard with my mandriva 2010.2 linux system. i remap the apple command key ( ✘ ) to control using the following .xmodmap file: keycode 134 = control_r remove mod4 = multi_key add control = control_l control_r multi_key.

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